Stark Gears

Outdoor Product Review

Our Story

This journey started back in 2015 when our co-founders were invested in nature photography. Determined to get stunning photos, they would hike across deserts and mountains, and drive long distances in order to achieve them. More often than not, they were camping overnight. Although they had the photos, most nights were spent uncomfortable and cold, far from the safety of their homes. And up until 2021, they were always on the hunt for the right set of camping gear.

And they found them.

We, at StarkGears, aim to bring you the tools and reviews you need to help your outdoors experience. Stark refers to thoroughness and absoluteness, where we can give you gear that is completely different from the rest. This isn’t about anything else.

Everyone has that drive and motivation to get away from the mundaneness of everyday life, and we’ll be with you there for each and every step. We do what we do because there’s a passion within our team as people who have experienced the outside. And we, StarkGears, want to be able to share that with you.